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 =  Vacillate?????
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[19.Aug.05 11:36]
"Fondle or ardor???", *Woo* really changes everything, it opens a translucent protal beyond your genuine soul, Not so clear but will flex your intuition, still we don't like it inspite, we want our selves the way we are?????

 =  Yours sincerely, Florin Caragiu
florin caragiu
[19.Aug.05 20:06]
Love is the mystery of being, in which all word and image are flourishing. What is not from love, fades away. The identity itself of man comes to light only in the realm of the divine grace and love. Love is the beginning and the end. You have wonderfully expressed this eternal truth in your poetry, introducing us in the heart of the mystery.

 =  long long time
raj thampi
[20.Aug.05 17:12]
after a long time, the first click fetches something outstanding.
Something outstanding out there Anca. Good work & I hope you remain as you are, as you wish, for a long long time.

 =  Thank you all
Anca Maria Morcovescu
[21.Aug.05 18:19]
Joshua, Florin, and Raj,

thank you very much for your visits and thoughts. I will wait for you again.

Joshua, the "I" in my poem is one that wants to move/improve/develop/better at its own pace, without any pressures and influances from the others. And even if imperfect, we, in our uniqueness, want to be loved for who we are. Thank you for your thoughts and questions.

All the best and inspiration,

 =  How to trully understand ..." love "...
Platon Ovidiu
[31.Aug.05 20:28]
A glimpse into the ice that surrouns us all , into the hopelss tryes of others to change us through their love , some seeds are ment to become flowers , some seeds are ment to be left as they are for they are already flowers ... only when the "seeds" are seen for what they are or can be , only then we can trully love or trully be loved ...
good work ...
hope in seeing more ...
may your muse blossom ...

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