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+ The Translation Week Award- English
Anca Anghel Novac
[01.May.04 05:30]
It was a delight to read your poems/translations and we think that you'll be a very helpful member on the English version for now on.

Congratulations and
Thank you for your participation.

 =  Thank you
Daniel Dinescu
[01.May.04 12:05]
Thank you very much, Anca, and I hope I will be helpfull to this side of our site.
Very funny for me to see that you gave me a prize for translations on a poem that is mine, is not a translation.:)
Best wishes,

 =  yes indeed
Anca Anghel Novac
[01.May.04 17:02]
Yes indeed it is funny, but I read again all your poems and made me pleasure to do it. So I decided to leave my message under this one. But as you see you have a star also for a translation.

 =  Of course, Anca
Daniel Dinescu
[01.May.04 17:17]
Of course, Anca, I've seen that; it is my big pleasure to see your comments on my texts! :)
Only one question - why don't you write some more poems in English, I was surprised to see that you have only few?
Best wishes,

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