Members comments:

 =  Bound together
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[29.May.05 14:26]
There are alot of difference between people, that's why The world is always balance because of the good and bad, which seem that they are all unseperable,

 =  It is relative
Edilberto González Trejos
[29.May.05 20:30]
Dear Yang Zhiming,

You must choose whether you write in third person or in first person. When you write "one", it is first person and when you put "he" soon after, it becomes a text written in third person.
Make the concordance and the rest will flow better.
That concerning the "formal" aspect. As for the "contents" aspect, everything is not black and white and there many causes for people`s actions and reactions... Many "in-betweens" as you travel from good to bad.

It is positive that you are expressing yourself, speaking your mind out, write on


 =  My purpose.
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.May.05 05:02]
I am not in for critisizing others as far as i can control i limitate my violent reaction toward others mistakes, what i am made for here in this website is toprove that i can make another context about somebodies text, I can make another topic out of their work, instead of staying on just one theme, inspite that somebody had already discussed it!
and by the way, I give alot of acceptance on others topic contents i don't actually suggest them to change, but inspite to add more of their belongings, The way i act over our school is the same as here, because I can make out alot of discussion in just one word, i can also elaborate a conversation, thats why I am in for debate.

 =  so
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.May.05 05:05]
keep up your reaction and expression towards your self!

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