Members comments:

 =  My hope...
Daniela Maria Benea
[03.Nov.06 22:34]
Sometimes it's hard (not is hard)
You only feel like crying (not cry)
This poem is in a very very broken English. My hope is that you improve your language skills (this has nothing to do with your ability to write poems, I hope you understand what I had to say here).

 =  don't be quite sure
Emil Carageorge
[13.Nov.06 00:40]
"feel like cry" is not a mistake and is different than "feel like crying", so you are wrong. Her English is not bad, but that poem sounds like pop-music lyrics, easy listening, with limited vocabulary. She might try harder to get some better results, don't you think so?

 =  Emil
Daniela Maria Benea
[16.Nov.06 15:08]
Emil, in that case, it should be feel like a cry...I don't know, I might be in the wrong here, but to me, it just doesn't sound right, even if it's like you say, song lyrics. I could go further and give you examples of this in Romanian...but I give up, and as a note, my comment shouldn't necessarily be read as a criticism to her ability to write poems.

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