Members comments:

 =  cora's alibi
Veronica Valeanu
[23.Jun.09 11:19]
i was fascinated by the way you built a text working againg itself
you inserted those terms which don't belong to a proper framing of poetry [nonetheless, devoid of, failed, thus, etc] in the very purpose of letting those 3 alibis more transparent:
1)the man's alibies - one towards his own need of keepinng a personal space for himself within the tides of a crushing love [the oubliette passage], the other towards his need to shape a proper space for loving& being loved
2) the woman's alibi accounting for her personal space (where to block & rebound her perception of the man's 1st alibi - so that she shouldn't suffer)
3) the love space's alibi (via the words & images)claiming its own second subspace of reserve (which works like a lab where symbol-attitudes are being fabricated as signposts for where love should steer):("Words tortured in oriental fashions")

i've been reading all your poems so far and I think you have smth to say in poetry.

 =  er
Veronica Valeanu
[23.Jun.09 16:03]
*against itself

 =  Deep:)
cora denise manole
[24.Jun.09 15:08]
Such a thorough and adroit insight in my poem! It really moves and impresses me. I have to admit, I couldn't say that all the meanings you deciphered were exactly or entirely those intended by me in the writing process, but I'm fascinated by the freedom of interpretation literary work provides. And to see that my particular work inspired such an elaborate translation is very rewarding. As for the terms you mentioned, they simply... happened... I try not to focus too much on technique, because if I do, it alienates me from what I'm feeling and need to express. I simply match words in a way that feels right to me, even though sometimes I'm having problems discovering one right word or another.
Thanks for stopping by and for your vote of confidence!

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