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 =  Beautiful
Diana Pacuraru
[21.Apr.05 20:41]
Ohhhhh so evil, so darkened, so beautiful! Like the evil twisted smile of death...what music do you listen to? Do you have messenger or something? I want to get in touch with you.

 =  obscure but nice
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[13.May.05 15:16]
Sound of Darkess a very negative pressence are one of the most powerful thing in this earth specially for those who grief!

Sound of obscurity

 =  peaking above the rest
Sigartau Alex
[25.Jul.05 12:32]
this is by far one of the best english poems i read on this site. superb use of english, splendid choice of images. alvin, you really wrote one bloody good poem!
my most sincere congratulations.

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