Comentariile membrilor:

 =  meaningful
raj thampi
[05.May.05 19:24]
"We struggle and strive upon the remains of the world.
Through the earthly commodities,
we take life for granted.
Upon being a commoner,
we engage in duel."
After all its all about surviving. Very meaningful lines Josh. I haven't read your other works yet. I liked this one. It has continuity.
all the best and regards

 =  Raj....
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.May.05 14:35]
Thanks Raj...I really appreciate how you liked my poem.

 =  Me again.... raj
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.May.05 14:35]
I like The theme of not giving up just like in my line( We struggle and strive upon the remains of the world)It just shows How persistent I am.

 =  Somehow Epic
Edilberto González Trejos
[08.May.05 21:43]
Surival in a merciless world. Sometimes we see epics of yesteryear and wonder why or how our lives seem to be so dull.
Our own epic work is at hand... And your poem depicts epic battles!!!


 =  keep it alive & survive
raj thampi
[09.May.05 00:20]
We all do fight to survive Josh :) because we all do love ourselves first, then the others. Keep the fight to survive alive.

 =  Edilberto..
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[09.May.05 04:43]
To conclude: Yes!!! I just Put a Meaingful definition to what happened in my life specially to all the challenges that might be a hinder in the race of my life, what I do is to strive and endure with more power to cope or surpassed the omens and barricades in my dear life.

 =  that's just life
Draghici Dana
[09.Sep.05 16:49]
Hey, that's just life; we all get lost sometimes and we forget the meaning of things. Unlike animals, we are consumers. We don't fight for survival, we cheat our way around it. We all believe our lives are significant, that what we do is important, but we are just pawns in the hands of a greater power. I cannot imagine death, it is not a concept in my vocabulary.

 =  Draghici - Resurrection of the Soul
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[10.Sep.05 04:57]
We all human posses such tremendous talents, unlike the ordinary creature such as the animals, unlikely they only have their few skills in which is just limited, unlike us humans we can do everything birds can fly, and so as we, we can fly with our own inventions, sheeps have their thick fur for protection from the cold, while we have mind together with our creativity to invent nor create new things that will give leisure to our lives, we human doesn't have limitations, as of my own belief, we can do everything, we can imitate other creatures as well.....we humans are the ultimate masterpiece in this world..

But due to our exceling knowledge we put everything into disaster, we are over confident that everything will work out as fine...........sometimes we forgot that we are doign the wrong things even if we think that it is the right idea, perhaps it will lead to a misfortune, it will hinder our optimism towards life, so we end up sometimes a loser,,, but then we will stand up bearing a new intuition that we learned from our failures, we invigorated as a new person away from our old nature,

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