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 =  ...shapes without contour...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 17:19]
Sometimes we can not find a reflection in our own mirror... or in our mind... Weird, but true... Searching & searching &...searching... Useless search. All mirrors are nameless, all mirrors are empty (I liked this in your text, you point out an interesting and awkward fact...).
'Our tired eyes are always chasing corners' in which they could trace even a singular form of resemblance... We can only find shapes without contour... And this is the saddest shape of reality...
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  Thanks bastin
raj thampi
[29.May.05 08:26]
Few times it becomes too difficult to understand self, and the work was a shapeless reflection of agony I felt those moments. Thanks for your kind words and appreciation Bastin.

 =  ...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[30.May.05 13:16]'s Bastian...(you've forgotten the 'a'...twice)
But I forgive you for that... :)
Good luck to you.

 =  Dear Bastian
raj thampi
[01.Jun.05 16:15]
Dear Bastian
I regret the mistake, and please accept my apologies for spelling your name wrong.
Warm regards

 =  Dear Bastian
raj thampi
[01.Jun.05 15:46]
Dear Bastian
I regret the mistake and please accept my apologies & once again let me thank you for your comments
Warm regards

 =  everyone makes mistakes's ok
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[01.Jun.05 20:20]
It doesn't matter. Everyone makes mistakes...
All the best to you and keep the good poems at their highest level!

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