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 =  Really Old
Edilberto González Trejos
[18.Jun.05 20:58]
Are you an old woman OANA?
You have captured ALL the essence of old age, you even made me feel old ;o)
And in addition you kept and artful rhyme yet you did not "crucifix" the core of the poem as well as its overall sense.
I enjoyed the reading. I hope to see more poems of yours,


 =  i appreciate your comments
Oana Blanaru
[19.Jun.05 22:34]
i didn't think anyone would like my poem. when i joined agonia, i did it more so i can read other people's poems. i love poetry, except i didn't think I was any good at it. thank you for your extremely nice comments. i am going to get inspired more often. and no, i'm not old, only 19.

 =  to this ancient soul of yours...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[07.Jul.05 18:05] are older...the your 19 has given you a taste of its bitterness...
"The light that shone is gone.
I’m alone, and I reach the end.
I surrender. I’m done.."
Never surrender...Shine your light through...You will make it...
The poem is too sad...and it saddenns me more to know you wrote it...for such great fears lie in you...but, i truly wish for us to have...a brighter future...for you heart and your dreams...
all the love...

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