Comentariile membrilor:

+ "let's drive in the orbit of time"
Laurentiu Ion
[09.Jul.09 18:40]

Tell me, Diana, is this a reply of useless? an answer back? :)
however, it's something new for you & it's catchy
after reading, the smell of revolution was awakened inside of me
images are well exposed in such a good manner that everything seems to set like a movie
well done!

 =  er
Laurentiu Ion
[09.Jul.09 18:42]
seems set :)

 =  movie
Diana Todea
[09.Jul.09 18:54]
thanks Laurentiu. Actually I wanted to mess a little bit with the words to create a distorted reality. But this doesn't mean it's "useless" as I thought about the other poem. Anyway, opinions are just that. Thanks for appreciating it. Cheers!

 =  orbital love
Constantin Delca
[27.Jul.09 11:40]
your poem is influenced by sci-fi readings, it's obvious, and i remark the beautiful way in which you blended the human feelings with science.
well done!

 =  cheers
Diana Todea
[27.Jul.09 13:44]
it's true, Constantin. the exploration of space is one of my favorite themes. thanks for passing by. Cheers!

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