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 =  welcome new member
Marius Surleac
[24.Sep.09 11:09]
I think your poem contains too many verbs and it's based on a high amount of questions. Looks too personal and I think you can work more to its poetic shape.

 =  personal opinions everyone has them but evjoy hearing them. thank for the commen
David Greer
[17.Dec.09 08:25]
personal poetry usually has feelings. I'm not a professional I just write what I feel.
These are poems from my book that was published in the USA in 2000.
they are poems about sexual partners the deaths of my mother, sister and other friends.
this poem was about the feelings of my sister and me over the 11 years she fought with terminal brain cancer and dealing with leaving two small children behind. personal yes
too many verbs agree also but, my sister was an artist and we both love details.
personal yes but was intended to be.

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