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 =  Laura
Constantin Delca
[07.Dec.09 18:26]
i like these bittersweet pills of poetry.
your poems are like the free samples of an unprecious fragrance.
but i think here the word 'subconsciousness' stands in the way of that beautifully running unicorn like a long and impenetrable wall. i would change it for a less abstract word
however, your text makes me reflect on the whereabouts of my 'unicorns' :)


 =  Constantin
Laura Cherecheº
[12.Dec.09 14:04]
I'm really flattered that you like the fragrance of my poems; thanks for your suggestion, I'll think it over:)


 =  The last unicorn
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[22.Dec.09 17:12]
is the immortal world of fantasy - our world - which the real one could not understand.
Only dreamers and artists can understand it, because their spirits run free like the unicorn.

I adore the main idea of your poem1

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