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 =  amnesia vs anamnesis
Veronica Valeanu
[27.Apr.10 23:25]
you really did a great job here Diana

an amnesia of self-protection, a mental territory meant to provide protection. the zebra-like projection on water is smth memorable. the same sensation (via other senses) - the accordion.
the same play-upon-words, this time emerging from the text - like a sort of peculiar organ: vanity fair (exterior image)/ i'm vain (personality)/ in vain (exteriority immune to changes)

a poem-concept indeed about recesses of identity
to counteract against someone else's amnesia.


 =  middle name
Diana Todea
[29.Apr.10 15:58]
Cheers, Veronica, for the appreciation. Actually, the idea came to me while thinking at my middle name which I barely use. And I think it's true about most people that we are afraid of our names thinking that another personality might be hidden if we utter them. Strange and exciting in the same time. Thanks, Diana.

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