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 =  think about
Veronica Valeanu
[30.Jul.10 11:31]
Laura, I see this text like a sequence, deliberately cut. meant for contemplation but that's all. well perhaps there should be more to it.

think about taking it further on.
a text is a whole. which means different plans which do not concentrate selfishly on themselves but allow a defocalisation to a greater plan which can only be guessed.
and then we see how ''une touche plus dominante" is sometimes a hinge that may connect with a more subtle plan . and the other way round.

I would suggest integrating this sequence into a bigger frame, a non-descriptive one, where this could be a little restrained and work as above. and more- i would see it like a reversal: smb who intentionally messes up the colours + an effect + a counter-effect + the changing of the angle of perception etc.

 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[30.Jul.10 11:32]
and then you can choose if you want it to be dominant or subtle.

 =  Veronica,
Laura Cherecheº
[02.Aug.10 13:32]
as you've noticed, the text was deliberately cut from its context, it's just a piece of a larger painting, meant just for contemplation. I know it creates a feeling of frustration due to the absence of a larger picture, but that was the idea.
Thank you for your suggestions.

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