Members comments:

 =  master code
Veronica Valeanu
[02.Oct.10 20:08]
a really convoluted, lucid codex of information retrieval
that concentration camp is the strongest sensation, like a punch in the solar plexus

it feels like war, but on our side it's much about a mere shooting gallery

if this is what everyone labelled as God or God's signature endorsed on us, maybe the only resignation could be that the universe is learning along with us what to do further on.

all my best,

 =  btw
Veronica Valeanu
[02.Oct.10 20:57]
a good book about DNA issues- social, religious, genetic is "Programul Terra" by Tony Victor Moldovan- you can find it on scribd.

 =  now that the cards are face up we need all the help we can get
ion a
[03.Oct.10 09:00]
thanks Veronica, i looked up Programul Terra on scribd, couldn't find it. if you have it, maybe you could send it to me, i would really appreciate it - [email protected]


 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[03.Oct.10 16:21]
- looking forward to an interesting feedback some day soon -

 =  A thrilling portrayal-
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Oct.10 12:41]
of mixed feelings towards human DNA. Quite an original angle here.
Cheers from Willy

 =  thanks Willy
ion a
[22.Oct.10 06:22]
sure, we know it, but normally don't internalize this knowledge, that we're just transient vessels for an entity who's millions of years old, in theory immortal, and doesn't seem particularly interested in us...

 =  a hell of a poem
matei hutopila
[22.Dec.10 22:51]
give us more

 =  =
dan zafir
[08.Feb.12 10:12]
Ion, congrats on a more than detailed picture regarding The Living Code. You wanna talk a bit about it? I got some fresh info that you might find interesting in your observations on this matter.

 =  please do
ion a
[12.Feb.12 05:41]
sure dan, let me know

 =  dialogue
dan zafir
[12.Feb.12 10:44]
[email protected] me and let's get it started! :)

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