Members comments:

 =  Surrealist
ofelia apostol
[22.Aug.11 18:59]
Surrealist in content and form. Mental frame enlarged within photographic image. Strong artistic statement. Smiles, Ofelia Dina

 =  I don’t remember if I ever got to say it but
Lelia Vatasescu
[25.Sep.11 17:42]
I enjoy your texts. a lot. they have a certain elegant violence that I’m always happy to find in any form of art – beautifully atmospheric, yet bitter and biting.

there’s a movie I’d like to recommend to you, so far as I can tell you might not consider it the worst thing you’ve seen. :)

+ is playing with mirrors safer than playing with fire
ion a
[26.Sep.11 08:15]
you should beware of mirrors and any other things with no discernible existence of their own, if it doesn't really exist you can't really kill it.

of course some issues take an eternity to understand, for instance, eternity itself

but not to worry, if we can channel the mind into a game of sorts, we're safe, we can always start over, or so the theory goes

 =  I see you play-
John Willy Kopperud
[26.Sep.11 10:05]
the mirror game too, Marius and with quite another approach than my own. You exhibit the essential themes of existense, religion and illusion, leaving this reader with no conclusion as to interpretation. I sincerely appreciate that.
Cheers from Willy

 =  never forget to conclude !
dan marius
[27.Sep.11 14:15]
I wrote you all a good long reply but I forgot to conclude in the "to conclude" thing so it got deleted.

the point was... your comments seem to make a lot more sense than my poem... as always

ofelia : sorry for the late reply. is it really a strong artistic statement?

lelia, thank you. yes my poems are "elegantly violent". it must make up for the little pathetic life I live :))) anyways (on a more serious tone...) I agree. My poems are beautifully atmospheric and bitter. (I'm a bitter old man) :)
I have seen some of Bergman's movies, got stuck with the clocks ticking insanely for a couple of days. And yes I will try to find "The Hour of the Wolf" Thank you.

ion, I'd rather play with fire. Mirrors scare the hell out of me.

Willy, I can assure you that the writer too is left with no conclusion as to interpretation.

well then , that's that then. thank you all

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