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 =  I really did enjoy this, Sydney!
John Willy Kopperud
[26.Dec.07 18:46]

And I love Christmas trees, all kinds of trees in fact.
Is that right, you put candles on a tree in your garden?

Merry Christmas from Willy

 =  Thanks, Willy! The fir is something I will plant in my own garden, when we are b
Sydney Krivenko
[29.Dec.07 23:04]
Thanks, Willy!
Yes, I would if I had a fir in my garden, unfortunately, it is not mine, but a impersonal rented garden, but with a beautiful copper beech in the middle of the back garden. So, this part of the poem was wishful thinking, as I don´t like killing trees and I don´t like artificial ones either...

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