Comentariile membrilor:

 =  always an excuse..
Christopher Thripp
[01.May.08 16:04]
cos he is a drunk...

 =  not always an excuse...
Marius Surleac
[01.May.08 20:40]
I do not think that "drink" is the only excuse, there can be found a lot of excuses. My opinion is that "drink" is for many a way of forgotten from the pain of the heart.

 =  Now, here's a bit of drama...
John Willy Kopperud
[01.May.08 21:22]
...about man and wife caught in a dreary marriage and the mixing up of the concepts of love and control. Now; that's
something else, namely poetry!
Cheers from Willy

 =  drink
Mike Aspros
[01.May.08 22:39]
does hide your pain although, its a depressant and echo that pain like a stick hitting a drum, the more you drink the louder it gets. This poem is haunting and I like it. thank you for sharing it.

 =  thank you one and all
Lynn West
[02.May.08 04:21]
Thank you one and all... and isn't poetry drama in the making, lol or is it drama is poetry in the making??? Cheers to all.

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