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 =  Hail letters. Hail peace. Sheika
Juan Felipe Parra
[23.Apr.06 01:54]
It's nice.
It has a really nice feeling to it... maybe it could loosen a little bit more in the middle section?
The embodiment of wine has been beautiful on this poem. Please do share with us the feeling of reading poetry that's related to wine.

 =  paradise twenty
felix nicolau
[25.Apr.06 00:42]
so genuine oriental...Maybe it's not remarkable through its modernity, but the fairytale atmosphere, the myth knitted tightly with the poetry conveys something authentic and specific to the old Chinese poetry. Like in Du-Fu.

 =  thanks in advance
yang zhiming
[08.May.06 04:50]
thanks a great deal for your reading and comments. I would be more than grateful if you could share with me your reading of chinese poetry. Right in here I have contributed some of my translation of some lyrics of Song Dynasty, hopefully you may read them and offer me some comments.

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