Comentariile membrilor:

 =  .
Laurenţiu Ion
[08.Jan.09 13:00]
It's "toO much white ...toO much cold" instead of "to much white much cold".

 =  ...
Daniela Voicu
[08.Jan.09 15:57]
Thank you, darga :)

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[08.Jan.09 20:52]
Daniela, there are few errors as well here. I would see the poem as follows:

"so cold ... walking on the snow storm
my arms try
to find you in white places
too much white
angels throw flowers from the sky

my tiers are frozen
my lips are blue
no breath to call your name
I need you here to warm my soul
and put some colour in my life...

too much white ... too much cold"

Also, what exactly did you meant with "tiers" because it doesn't sound so good in the stanzas' arrangement.

Best wishes,

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