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+ Watching the "Divina Commedia", Edilberto...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Dec.08 19:26] by some considered to be a bore, while others add it to their enlightenment. I gather you belong to the latter, amigo.
And so; the show must go on. Fine verses!
Cheers from Willy

 =  the flood must go on...
Marius Surleac
[27.Dec.08 19:49]
I see a sort of surrealist tempt very similar with Andre Martins de Barros's paintings. I like the imagery created and the flood of people acting that is to be found in many of the modern societies.

Well done!


 =  being away, but I`m back ..
Edilberto González Trejos
[05.Feb.09 02:08]
Yeah, learning through the dantesque, the quest and the findings...


Images was the first thing that came to my mind before writing, an image of crowd`s alienation (or alienation in the crowd)... Indeed.


 =  plastic
Horia Mocanu
[16.Feb.09 17:34]
if one isn't paying attention, one could say that it is all too descriptive. i find it very sharply cut in short almost film like images. it resembles a lot a music video. very plastic.

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