Comentariile membrilor:

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[09.Jan.09 20:37]
There are a lot of repetitions with no use. More than that, the result is a psychotic tangle of words like in a game. Also, poetry doesn't mean only rhyme.

 =  no
Chelaru Dorin Alexandru
[10.Jan.09 14:23]
Those repetitions were there for a reason...I intended to use them in the ideas of (metallic and melodic) so they may complete the circle of life in building up the ultimate idea of existence ("I feel all")...that's what I thought of when I made this poem..but each understands it in his/her way

 =  .
Laurenţiu Ion
[10.Jan.09 11:50]
the title should be "Mechanic or Metallic"
and repetitions without any sense are annoying.

 =  You don't get it
Chelaru Dorin Alexandru
[10.Jan.09 14:25]
I can't call it metallic or mechanic cause it involves melodic as well building the circle of man( metallic life (as in no purpose), melodic death( the fake tears),mechanic all( all man act by the same will of survival) ... and those repetitions have a purpose,I didn't just throw them there in useless combination... It's not the rhyme that matters, but I don't think you get it, anyways... that's your opinion and I respect it, thanks for passing by

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[10.Jan.09 14:52]
I know that those repetitions were put there with a reason and I understand it perfectly well. What I wanted to say is that the repetitions have to be used in a certain amount, otherwise will damage the poem - like what happened here.

 =  :)
Laurenţiu Ion
[10.Jan.09 15:12]
so, Mr. Chelaru, to support your affirmations, please tell me, from your point of view, what is poetry ?

 =  no thanks
Chelaru Dorin Alexandru
[10.Jan.09 19:03]
I don't really wanna play your game, Laurentiu. You try to make fun of people and rarely seem to agree with others unless they play it your way... no thanks, I'm not getting anything from giving you examples of respect or answering your well "polished" questions... Cheers

 =  .
Laurenţiu Ion
[10.Jan.09 21:46]
I think you should forget the misunderstandings from the romanian version. I hate playing games:)

 =  .
Chelaru Dorin Alexandru
[11.Jan.09 08:40]
I don't have anything against you, don't get me wrong... but I don't really count those kind of questions as having their place in this matter... I accept the fact that I may have exaggerated with those repetitions making this poem a forced one, but still... it's not like I made it without thinking... hmmm, this discussion should go offtopic

 =  .
Laurenţiu Ion
[11.Jan.09 12:17]
no, because this should be a constructive discussion, not one bad intentioned. nevermind. this ends here!

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