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 =  my opinion!
Marius Surleac
[21.Feb.09 19:47]
There should be "you were" instead of "you was", "it snows" instead of "it snow's", "it’s been one full year" instead of "it’s been full/ 1 year", "so much" instead of "so much so".

You can take off the capital letters - they wipe the aesthetic shape of your poem and the repetition as well. You can also make this poem shorter because you give a lot of explanations and is too long for all its meaning - the reader will get bored if you give him everything ... try some mystery within the phrases.

I understand the maternal love feeling brought here but you can polish this poem a bit.

Hope my advices won't be disturbing but constructive.

Best wishes,

 =  Gunsel Djemal
[25.Feb.09 19:37]
Hi Marius, and once again thanks for your advice, however i would like to keep it as it is. It means so much to me.
Many thanks

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