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 =  nice words
Diana Todea
[11.Apr.09 14:22]
Nice words, Lynn. puts this poem in a profound scenery, and is in tune with how the world is now. I liked your poem because your words could make nice lyrics in a song. Cheers, Diana.

 =  new wave?
Marius Surleac
[11.Apr.09 20:18]
Indeed a beautiful poem with a nice flow. This poem maintains the same path your poems do, but the difference is that this one wears a more mature and realistic shape. I like the imagery from the first stanza and the meaning of the next two lines from the last stanza:

"When you accept that,
everything else falls into place"

Very good!


 =  I appreciate you!
Lynn West
[13.Apr.09 06:25]
Thank you both for your kind words.

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