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 =  do you want a cip with subliminal effects? - said I from the future
Marius Surleac
[13.Apr.09 21:11]
I imagine the background of a ruled by machines universe here. I like the images and they fit very well in this perspective. The only thing that doesn't fit the idea as a whole is the consciousness:

"you sleep, and in your sleep you think:
is this my real life or a pathetic electronic remake?"



 =  error
Marius Surleac
[13.Apr.09 21:15]

 =  it's normal
Diana Todea
[14.Apr.09 08:56]
In a human being the consciousness will always exist, that's the main feature of a person. The only thing changed is that maybe the attraction to the artificial will be so great, that humans will want to live like robots-but the thought in the back of their minds will still be there asking them questions. Warm cheers, Diana.

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