Comentariile membrilor:

 =  good
Marius Surleac
[29.Apr.09 20:16]
You have a nice style, with great imagery and firm construction. I like to see where you're going at. I read few of your Romanian texts and I can say the English ones are with a step further.

From now on you can post comments without editor's verification.

Cheers and keep up the good way.

 =  Marius
Constantin Delca
[29.Apr.09 21:57]
First of all, thanks a lot for giving me a new status!
Regarding my texts, it's a mystery to me why the English ones are better than the Romanians ones. But I'm pleased with the way it turns out, for the moment, at least.
As a joke, I would like to see where I'm going at as well. I'm still trying to tune up my voice.
I truly appreciate all your comments.

All the best,

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Înapoi !