Members comments:

 =  a very interesting riddle... inspired in Spain? Sydney
Sydney Krivenko
[19.Feb.07 15:27]
Very interesting... a real riddle...

 =  "to this very day, the dragon Nie Lang watches over Szechuan"
Heghedus Camelia
[19.Feb.07 15:43]
“Suddenly a huge dragon rose from the river. “I am Nie Lang!” it roared, beating the river with its tail, to raise a great wave.[...] A terrible storm followed; amid thunder and lightening, Nie Lang ascended into heaven.”

 =  NIe
felix nicolau
[20.Feb.07 16:44]
i can't afford spoiling your pleasure of solving the riddle, but i can say it was born in budapest,not in spain. thanks for hitting it

 =  the day before yesterday
Heghedus Camelia
[22.Feb.07 13:47]
I was saying that I feel sorry if I was cheeky, I tried to be kidding; the title stimulated me.

 =  you shouldn't
felix nicolau
[25.Feb.07 12:12]
i like people being cheeky - makes the world go round

 =  Felix - riddle
Edilberto González Trejos
[22.Apr.07 03:18]
Witty, well-built & extremely smart!


 =  spasiba
felix nicolau
[01.May.07 15:29]
on numbness and smart-move i relied,indeed!

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