Members comments:

 =  Apart from the spelling and grammatical mistakes I do miss the true sense of you
Sydney Krivenko
[02.May.07 01:43]
Sorry, Lory, there are a few words I don't understand... griping? Swarns? do you mean swarms? That would make sense, at least, witout? should be without, right? and with the right to go, not the write, as write means to scribble words on paper...
I know it is hard to write poems in a foreign language, I do the same, but I am always corrected and am grateful for it! Here, on the English site, nobody seems to care or doesn't anybody speak English?

 =  rather!
Heghedus Camelia
[06.May.07 11:27]
sydney, there are people speaking English here. However, the editors cannot be ubiquitous. They offer us their precious help voluntarily and I am sure they have many other problems, certainly more important than to correct our grammatical errors. These errors are part of the risk of according credit to us. Finally, it seems to me that trusting one another we are doing the most valuable and human thing. Sorry for my intervention.

 =  Making sense?
John Willy Kopperud
[06.May.07 17:18]

Sydney & Camelia

To me it seems like both of you have a point. I can sense
some quality in this poem. The problem is, that for the English-reading person this is about all that happens.
The contributors should feel some responsibility when it comes to being certain that you DO make sense in another language. They ought to be able to see that by themselves without the aid of an editor.

Kind regards from Willy

 =  You are
Heghedus Camelia
[06.May.07 18:35]
right, Willy. I am speaking from the point of view of a person who needs aid. Sydney, I hope that I did not offend you. All the best for all of you!

 =  wow.
Christopher Thripp
[23.May.08 01:49]
a truly wonderful poem with passion intent and earth shaking words...

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