Members comments:

 =  a bird or an angel
Diana Pascu Chifane
[18.Nov.03 09:24]
Atthe beginning of the poem you wrote then instead of the.
And you're poem is a real poem of wings.

 =  correction
Anca Anghel Novac
[27.Jan.04 18:21]
Thank you, I made the correction.

 =  Why?
Cristina Shtirbu
[01.May.04 13:21]
I do believe that flying for a human being implies the risk of falling.
If it's love the poetic persona is talking about in this poem... and she chose to fly in love, instead to fall in love, why was she bleeding holding the sky? Isn't flying superior to falling, transcending the usual pain of human love?

 =  a kind of answer
Anca Anghel Novac
[02.May.04 08:59]
There are so many kinds of love. But for me the one above all is the love of living, the love of being alive, the love of life.
But to love and to fly is hard in real life. Why? Because life, living is not easy in a world of contradictions and fatality, of contrasts and power. We live in a crazy world, we use to say sometimes.

So for me the act of flying is a heroic one, it implies sacrifice, like bleeding and holding this imaginary sky of faith in goodness, of faith in verticality.

Mh, I tried to give you an answer. Don't know if I made myself clear enough. Usually my best explanations to any poem is the poem itself.

Thank you for asking.

 =  Reply
Corina Dragomir
[15.Jun.04 22:44]
Flying is as simple as the end of any love affair though it implies transcending the senses.
You managed to have a profound state in a few unpretentious words.
Good work!

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