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 =  dwell on the absurd
Sigartau Alex
[18.Nov.04 04:12]
dan, you are mad, you are genious!

 =  All
Diana Pacuraru
[28.Jan.05 00:48]
Do you remember what I said, bro? Your words are the delirium of the moment of truth. Oh, how good you do it. :))
You just say it all.

 =  By the way
Diana Pacuraru
[28.Jan.05 00:51]
And the little baby's eyes sense the truth. They just sense this toxic water that we drink when we call ourselves humans. Their eyes aren't made for seeing lies and falsity. They see only truth, only feelings and freedom. The last two verses (I'm talking in an analytic, boring, critical and material way when I say "verses") are the truth. Heh, there are no verses in poetry. Only love. From love comes everything...every little feeling in the world.

 =  nirvana
Daria Patrunjel
[03.Feb.05 13:15]
"wish me luck soothe the burn wake me up"....

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