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 =  not too bad
Motoc Lavinia
[30.Nov.04 18:29]
I like the short verses and the idea of grouping them two by two, I like the ending expressed by a question. The verses can be looked at as to flashes, but they also have musicality, which is good.

 =  Bloody
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Dec.04 01:50]
This one is good indeed. I like the image, the perfume of the entire atmosphere. Way to go

 =  axe
Daria Patrunjel
[28.Jan.05 02:44]
i couldn't help it not to make another comment, now that i've discovered some of your poems. i just wanted to mention pink floyd's 'careful with that axe eugene' ,perhaps it has nothing to do with it, just one of my obsessions:)

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