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 =  SH
Daniel Dinescu
[19.May.04 01:16]
Tell us who killed the sea! :)
So many "S" and "H", is there a purpose and the late hour doesn't allow me see it?
Interesting way of seeing 'the lesson'...
Best wishes,

 =  tips
Elena Malec
[19.May.04 08:23]
Daniel, you know by now that I disagree with explaining myself(oneself who "creates");I can give you part of a clue, though. Rabbi Moses Rosen used to say that all the names of the enemies of Israel begin inevitably/ historically with the letter H.
As for the letter S, I say, is even Smarter to read it the way you did(at least in the title to this late hour comment):SH(in)
The Hebrew letter, Shin, translates to the Holy Fire.

Although I paid for a course of Hebrew language,back in Bucharest in 1990, I only attended 5/6 classes. The spirit of the course was to learn reading labels of soups and puddings for those with Aliah in mind; mine was to learn reading the Bible.
Since then I discovered the beauty of Chinese caligraphy and I exercise it now and then.

Thanks for asking. Here is a link to an interesting site:

Feel free to stop by anytime, and drop a line.
I appreciate it.

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