Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Nice
Lynn West
[17.Feb.09 19:15]
I enjoyed this work.

 =  great
Diana Todea
[24.Feb.09 19:55]
It's great you liked it. Cheers!

 =  There are so many beautiful images here!
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[13.Jan.10 23:59]
I felt as if I was there - an invisible spectator - watching the two lovers dancing on the stage.
I adore two of structures that I have found in your poem:

"controversial image of the self" (it sounds a bit psychological) and

"our reality engraved in lyrics"

What can be sweeter than a dance performed by two partners who are in love?


 =  dance
Diana Todea
[14.Jan.10 11:54]
Thanks, Andreea. I'm glad you are touched by the images. Cheers, Diana.

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