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 =  words=stars, poems=galaxies...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 19:28]
Really now : where have you been? Where does your inspiration come from? Your words are star in your poems, so simple, so deep, beautiful!In this makes your texts 'galaxies'... A 'supernova' is born through you, loved all you wrote...
Keep on writing! All the best!

 =  correcting mistakes
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 19:31]
correcting mistakes: 'words are stars' not 'words are star' and 'And this makes' not 'In this makes'...
That's all... Sorry about that!

 =  :) thank you
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[29.May.05 17:42]
thanks...I am glad you have appreciated my work. English is my first love and it's some time now since i've written all of this. My poems are all about magic, spells, stars and twilights...I love everything that is beautiful...I have read some of your poems...It's great to see that someone understands...most people find my poetry a little hard to understand...

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