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 =  Even text......Just normal
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[05.Nov.05 04:49]
Hey, hindi mo sa akin sinabi na sa U.S ka pala mag dadaos ng sembrek ninyo, mag aaral kapa ba sa perpetual?
I guess, baka hindi na no! hindi ko alam yun ah!
uy kita kitz nalang jan kapag pumunta kami ha!

Any way as of the text:
an okay journal, a personal expression of thoughts, authentic!
an *even* text!
it's just fine,

why don't you use american colloquialism it would look and sound cool to read, perhaps its just a journal not a poetry with such rules

keep on writing!

 =  Meggane
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[05.Nov.05 08:11]
There are some typo considered as grammar errors!
try to correct it please, its just a grammar.
I know you'll notice your typos

 =  My last comment here also
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.Nov.05 03:15]
your typo, I guess I have to mention it!
your parents tries to bring you
*PARENTS is a plural form but then the form of verb you used is in singular,
try without [s] plural form of verb
ex. All the lions try to eat the gazelle.

Trie[s] with [s] is a form of singular verb
ex. The lion tries to eat the deer.

it would sound better if you will remove the me from the torturing.

I guess Your using alot of american grammars, well I guess its your style, as they always say English is dynamic.


 =  P.S
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.Nov.05 03:18]
Try posting subjective and relevant comments in this site, or else the editors might post your comments as offtopic...
you don't want it don't you?

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De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !