Comentariile membrilor:

 =  great job.
Christopher Thripp
[05.Apr.08 04:14]
very expressive marius fine take ...

 =  simply expressive
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[06.Apr.08 15:08]
I love the music so much, great expression, so lively and dashing to my very sense when music explodes my mind gets crazy, U made me feel the great feeling on how u give a very intense tribute to the music which u loved also

 =  A valid musicality in your poem here, Marius...
John Willy Kopperud
[06.Apr.08 21:22]

...but I think the following is a bit ortographically flawed and needs a bit of correction:

no word’s expressions
but flew on the river

One suggestion might be:
no verbal expression
but flight on the river

You may come up with something better and that would really please my, cause this IS indeed a good poem all other lines taken into consideration!
Hope you don't mind me being tedious! Apart from the questionable words you master the english language on a high level here, Marius!

Cheers from Willy

 =  Thank you all for your helpful comments...
Marius Surleac
[07.Apr.08 09:41]
Thank you all for your comments, Joshua, Chris and Willy.
Indeed Willy you were right about but I didn't know what would be more right to that two stanzas and thank you for your suggestion.
I have made the correction you suggested and hope that now is ok.
Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate your advices Willy.
Cheers to you all and have a nice day!

 =  nor feelings but inner proofs…
Ada Ionescu
[28.Oct.08 20:41]
Strenuous, vivid, ardent poetry.

 =  thank you Ada!
Marius Surleac
[28.Oct.08 21:05]
You have a sharp eye Ada - indeed "nor feelings but inner proofs" is exactly the core of the poem and of what I felt. Thank you very much and I am glad you liked it!


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