Members comments:

 =  I hardly wait to read it...
Marius Surleac
[11.Jun.08 13:17]
Here is to be found a good description and few ideas from your book. It captured my attention when mentioned about physics, Dali and other great minds from the domain of arts, and I would like to read it when will appear in libraries.
Also, this text should be put as "article" not as "personals" and with a picture of book's cover or something that would be suitable with the text idea - then this text will hit the first page. If you’d have a mail address for contact details on your biography would be ok.


 =  Sounds to me as a blend of...
John Willy Kopperud
[11.Jun.08 13:22]
...everyday living, surrealism and Given the right approach this should definitely be worthwhile reading.
Cheers from Willy

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