Comentariile membrilor:

 =  beautiful
Mike Aspros
[08.Aug.08 18:18]
its the first thing I read when I awoke this morning. wonderful Lynn, your poem was very pleasing to read. thank you for posting it. best, mike

+ great job lynn
Christopher Thripp
[08.Aug.08 20:18]
this poem really got to me in a big way ...
you art...and feelings into words has impoved and grown so much lynn
very impressive work..

 =  great thanks
Lynn West
[09.Aug.08 02:10]
thank you both so very much! thank you thank you!

 =  This is a woman
Simona Sumanaru
[10.Aug.08 10:36]
talking, writing, taking a bath, resurrecting in a way that only a woman knows how: soft as rose petals are her moves, but strong and determined is her heart, for she has to mother the world, not only her world. Beautiful ode to the concept of woman and her internal tribulations!

 =  ...
Daniela Voicu
[10.Aug.08 15:18]
good jobb Lynn , I am imprest!;)

 =  thank you
Lynn West
[11.Aug.08 22:38]
Thank you, all -its amazing how a woman was made, eh? soft and nuturing, yet strong enough to hold up the world...

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