Comentariile membrilor:

 =  !
Marius Surleac
[02.Aug.08 08:03]
It would be more ok if you also add a title to the poem.

 =  Thanks!
Alina Eileen Ray
[04.Aug.08 09:30]
Hi Marius. Thaks for taking time to read my so-called poem. To answer your comment, the has got a titled: Unconditional love. Maybe you haven't notice it ... or maybe it doesn't make much of a sense to you. :)
Either way I would like to receive your sugestion of a title for this piece of poem if that is not too much trouble for you.

 =  true
Marius Surleac
[04.Aug.08 09:30]
I saw that has a title but wasn't put like that. It is ok though!


+ great job
Christopher Thripp
[06.Aug.08 20:25]
possesions are not each other ...but when you love this deep there is a fine line ...jelousy and obsession creeps in like a desease..

 =  Thank you very much, Christopher!
Alina Eileen Ray
[08.Aug.08 15:33]
Such a deep beautiful comment :)!I appreciate it very much!


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