Comentariile membrilor:

 =  it could be shorter
ion amariutei
[23.Feb.05 16:36]
liked the first and last stanzas, the sense of organic intimacy between emotions and the world at large.
by the same token, the second one seems intrusive, declamatory, artificial: *crying... against the Heaven/ and the inconsequential/ harpies/ of our fate*.

 =  love...
Luminita Baboianu
[14.Apr.05 23:01]
... like a plague.
Strong and direct.
*To conclude: love...

 =  river of love
Edilberto González Trejos
[09.Dec.05 02:05]
Many metaphores like a plurality of creeks leading us to a Wider River: LOVE, It takes us to an Ocean full of Endless possibilities.


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