Members comments:

 =  I`m not impressed...But i enjoyed it never the less...
Nemes Razvan
[19.Apr.05 04:37]
Indeed...I understand perfectly what you mean..But another question is my priority..After you meet true happiness, after you get to the peek of your life, and fall down , can you find the power and courage to climb up again with your wounds? What you wrote is what i have been told so many times..

 =  it catched my feelings ( Thanks )
Mike Tan
[22.Apr.05 11:48]
Your poem seems to have it's subjects like my feeling today.
Maybe I should not give up nor lose hope, coz maybe someday my dreams will come true!

 =  =razvan nemes
Anca Mihai
[23.Apr.05 14:04]
yes razvan, it is true, the poem can be very well a cliche but it's not my fault! what I tried to do writing this was not just uttering words, useless words, but putting down a feeling that gives one the power to hold on and, yes, to climb up everytime he falls down!and I myself have been told that so many times! you know what's the difference? That I felt on my own skin what those words mean! And yes, you can find the courage to clim up EVERYTIME you fall down!the question you want to?

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