Comentariile membrilor:

 =  .
corina dragomir
[09.Apr.05 20:46]
1.) *My grandfather testament say so* - *My father's testament/will says so* (synthetic genitive/3rd person. sg. present simple tense - add *-s*;

2.) wrong word order: *put into a flower this colours* - * put these colours in a flower* (demonstrative adj. pl.)

3.) *my dear garden, who cover me now/when you read this receip)* - *my...which covers...receipt*

 =  ? ;)
alina pachitanu
[09.Apr.05 21:14]
are you an English teacher? ;)
thanks again and again and again and again and again........and for the future.

 =  "receipt"
alina pachitanu
[09.Apr.05 21:17]
"receipt" recipe is what you've meant?

 =  >O
corina dragomir
[09.Apr.05 21:34]
cooked for only 35 seconds and that did the trick. I also reduced the amount of sugar by 1/2 and this took care of the disolving problem. none of the artificial rays coming out of the microwave was friendly enough to the moisten my forehead.
Am I going to be given a receipt for the latter interventions?:)

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