Members comments:

 =  wow!
Luminita Baboianu
[23.Apr.05 17:38]
I have no words anymore!
I could give you a thousand stars for this one!
Allow me to at least send you an imaginary blue one at night!


 =  Blue accepted
raj thampi
[23.Apr.05 17:53]
:) I accept the blue of your star. Once again, you are very kind Luminita

 =  'finding a reason as usual"
adriana anusca
[05.May.05 14:34]
you, the man who does "some" things, write inspired and inspiring poems, have special immagination; quite interesting:'Mouth fell open/I watched it/Disappearing/In the wirlpool';

 =  'finding a reason as usual"
adriana anusca
[05.May.05 14:34]
you, the man who does "some" things, write inspired and inspiring poems, have special immagination; quite interesting:'Mouth fell open/I watched it/Disappearing/In the wirlpool';

 =  regards
raj thampi
[07.May.05 12:54]
adriana anusca, Thanks for commenting. I am yet to read your works, kinda busy. I will come back to you the earliest possible once after reading your poems.
Warm regards

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