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 =  adieu, monsieur
corina dragomir
[18.Apr.05 16:40]

Sae luely luely cam she in,
And luely she lay doun
I kent her be her caller lips
And her breists sae sma and roon.

Aa thru the nicht we spak nae word
Nor sindered bane frae bane
Aa thru the nicht I heard her hert
Gang soundin wi my ain.

It was boot the waukrife hour
When cocks begin tae craw
That she smool'd saftly thu the mirk
Afore the day wud daw

Sae luely luely cam she in
Sae luely was she gaen
An wi her aa my simmer days
Like they had never been.

by William Soutar

P.S your poem had a tremendous effect on me. frankly, one reason may be the fact that I have understood everything. thanks for posting such interesting poems.:)

 =  Alisdaire
Alisdaire O\'Caoimph
[19.Apr.05 05:34]
Corina... many many thanks for your reply, Honoured that you enjoyed it and glad to see someone that enjoys the doric tongue ...The pleasure is mine...angain many many thanks

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