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 =  Serene!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.May.05 15:53]
Serenity is one of the nice thing to acquire, since when we are going to know our selves better.


6 words differ in spelling, but the same in meaning!

Nice I like it!

 =  quietness
Radu Ybarola
[30.May.05 15:53]
It is better that we express our selves. just like you the theme of this text is very light and solemn, It makes me also feel light.

 =  the beautiful softness of voice
Ioana Pelehatai
[30.May.05 20:03]
this text has bits of "the unbearable lightness of being" sprinkled all over it & that's precisely how it captures beauty. two of the lines ("The crows pinch the old moon
with their poisoned peeks") reminded me of Bacovia. perhaps this the how his poetry would have sounded, had he been able to write in English.
one minor spelling remark: "floats", not "floates".

 =  Ioana, Radu, Josh :)
Yulia Volkova
[01.Jun.05 16:11]
Thanks a lot for stoping at my page! Ioana... i'm really glad you noticed that i have a bacovian style :)... you made me very happy by saying this.

Best wishes,

 =  Did you guys actually know that...
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[05.Jun.05 10:23]
Bacovia was so obssessed with plumb because he was an accomplished plumber?

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