Comentariile membrilor:

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[09.Jun.09 10:56]
Gunsel, from now on you can post texts without editors' verification. Pay attention to the rules of the site and keep going further with your style.


 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[09.Jun.09 12:19]
great fluent text here from Gunsel! a beautiful torn-in-between poem with a good ending! here? there? where the hell is our heart supposed to be?
I can only blame Bromley road for getting you going in such a way!:)))))

 =  =home is where the heart is...
[09.Jun.09 20:45]
...Thanks for your comment Corina :)

...don't we call home the place where the people we love are there.

Continue to blame Bromley Road Hey!:) It's mine.

 =  =Cheers!
[09.Jun.09 20:47]
Thanks for your advice and comment Marius.

I promise to try my best.

Thanks for being there for me from the start:)

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Înapoi !