Comentariile membrilor:

 =  the dark side of love
Laura Cherecheº
[21.Jun.09 16:39]
a sad truth, skilfully put into words
yes, lies in love are just like a growing tumour :(

cheers! :)

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Jun.09 00:31]
Treatment available. :)
thanks, you!

 =  Paradoxes and fatalism in love
cora denise manole
[22.Jun.09 19:01]
About delaying confrontation with the unnerving realities of love. Simmering anxiety as an underlying counterpoint to apparent resignation or denial – this is a daily life paradox you describe subtly. And yet, when you say "they belong here", you seem to render lies as an inherent part of love, attuned to all others. It sort of gave me a feeling of preordainment. Sad, resonant and beautiful.

 =  case study
Corina Gina Papouis
[23.Jun.09 13:00]
this is a case of malignant love and its clinical picture...
symptoms may include: anxiety, nausea, despair, confusion. in certain cases sleep may be affected. patients complain of acute sometimes chronic sense of loneliness.

prognosis: if detected early the condition is curable under controlled protocol. in case of late diagnosis death (of love) is expected within weeks, sometimes months or years...

Do pass this on!:))

cheers for stopping by!

 =  :))
cora denise manole
[24.Jun.09 14:21]
How accurate... Rings a funny/bitter bell:D

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