Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Danut!
Corina Gina Papouis
[01.Aug.09 19:35]
this would be a correct version:

in the palm
with every kiss
like a burning desire

what draws
of a universal complex
of possibilities.

You look,
you touch,
you feel,
and you fall in love
at first sight.

Never forget the first love

can you spot the differences that took place?

 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[01.Aug.09 19:46]
s @ increase! come on, this a blow by blow operation! please read carefully, Danut!

 =  exact
Danut Gradinaru
[01.Aug.09 19:58]
Thanks for yuor kindness!
You are right.

 =  !!
Corina Gina Papouis
[01.Aug.09 19:53]
increases - is the correct form
and in the last stanza, if you are referring to 2nd person ( the correct form for that verb should be: forget!

 =  sorry!
Danut Gradinaru
[01.Aug.09 20:25]
What happens when you rush!
It's me.


 =  number of texts limitation
Marius Surleac
[01.Aug.09 20:40]
Danut, pay attention to the number of texts limitation. Do not post more than two texts per day. Thank you!

 =  warned
Marius Surleac
[01.Aug.09 20:54]
Btw, this is not the first time when I tell you that you should not post more than two texts per day. You should now about that, while your posting texts on the Romanian and Italian pages as well.

This should be a warn for you!

Next time your extra texts will get as Portfolio Only.

 =  err.
Marius Surleac
[01.Aug.09 20:55]
"know" instead of "now"

 =  ok
Danut Gradinaru
[01.Aug.09 21:31]
so I do


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