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 =  merry-go-round
Veronica Valeanu
[02.Aug.09 15:06]
interesting passage :[silence(...)cri, cri,cri)- "a la francaise"
correct here:[this life it's magic]and here [is humor at 100 degrees]

skating, the echo of theater- all the traces produced by the magic machine.
that trepidation makes me think about a stadium where the spectators acclaim a grandstand with their hands up like a wave

an exercise for you linked to this merry-go-round theme:
try thinking about this pair :stadium and amphitheater.


 =  i don't understand
Diana Todea
[02.Aug.09 20:41]
i don't understand where i have to correct. you suggested the same form that exists in the poem.

 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[02.Aug.09 21:16]
[this life is magic]or [this life, its magic]
[there's humor] or[humor is]

 =  no mistake
Diana Todea
[02.Aug.09 21:20]
i don't see any mistake in the expressions used. they can be accepted in a poem. thank you for appreciation and i'm glad you liked my poem. all the best!

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