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 =  complicated
Diana Todea
[04.Aug.09 17:55]
a complicated formulation for a short poem. it lacks artistic approach and you tend to make it a short prose. not to say it's ambiguous in expression. try to stick to a clear idea or message. cheers!

 =  .
nica mãdãlina
[04.Aug.09 17:57]
well, it's all about all you said. therefore, I will not change.
artistic expression includes this kind of approach.
but thank you for passing by.

 =  I
Corina Gina Papouis
[04.Aug.09 18:33]
think, in fact I know(:)) that every time i see a poem by Madalina I need to get my neurons charged: she is an extremely fast thinker and her poetry follows. It's not easy to read her poems but when you do you feel you have successfully completed a puzzle!:)
borderline is no exception to the rule..
sorry I spoke in third party here, it just happened.:)
best wishes!

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[04.Aug.09 22:30]
Well, the content looks a bit like BPD's symptoms; or I may be wrong.

 =  .
nica mãdãlina
[13.Jun.10 14:19]
corina, marius, thanks for your words. maybe someday I'll get it right, concerning the simplicity of the form.

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